Scheduling Magic 

A time-saving system for moms crushed by the to-dos who crave a smooth-running home.

Tell me if this feels right to you:

You go to bed exhausted from running around all day... but feel like nothing got done.

You constantly feel the stressful mental lists pressing in...and find yourself snapping at the kids because

they interrupted your work. 

Senario umum yang dihadapi oleh punter saat bermain taruhan bola online dibahas dalam artikel ini. Dijelaskan bagaimana emosi negatif seperti ketakutan dan keserakahan dapat menghancurkan kesuksesan taruhan jika tidak dikelola dengan baik. Beberapa contoh diberikan untuk menunjukkan bagaimana punter yang sukses dapat mengendalikan emosi ini, sementara punter yang tidak berhasil terjebak di dalamnya. Penekanan utama pesannya adalah pentingnya mengendalikan emosi Anda dan tetap berpegang pada mekanisme taruhan yang rasional daripada terbawa oleh ketakutan atau terlena oleh kegembiraan. Hal ini dapat membantu punter menang terus-menerus dalam taruhan bola online.

You're overwhelmed by the amount of things to you put it off, or get distracted half-way in...and the list just keeps getting longer. And longer. 

Pasaran togel 4D yang paling menguntungkan tahun ini dibahas dalam artikel ini. Penulis menekankan betapa pentingnya memilih pasaran togel yang tepat untuk menghasilkan hasil terbaik. Dua pasar togel yang paling disarankan adalah Togel Macau dan Togel HK. Macau memiliki keunggulan seperti frekuensi penarikan angka yang lebih sering dan pembayaran jackpot yang lebih besar. Sementara itu, Togel HK dikenal sebagai pasar togel yang terkenal di Indonesia dan menghasilkan banyak uang. Panduan ini diberikan kepada pemain judi togel untuk memanfaatkan peluang yang tersedia di pasaran ini.

Frustrating, right? This wasn't what you dreamed family life was going to be like.

But what if it didn't have to be this way?

What if having a happy, successful day could be easy without the List-overwhelm?  

Dalam artikel ini, Anda akan menemukan arahan tentang hal-hal yang harus dan tidak boleh dilakukan saat bermain di kasino online. Salah satu hal yang tidak boleh dilakukan adalah bermain di terlalu banyak kasino online, terlalu serius dalam bermain, memilih kasino ilegal, dan menyetor uang terlalu cepat. Sebaliknya, yang harus dilakukan adalah mencari peluang terbaik dengan membandingkan berbagai kasino online, menggunakan fitur permainan gratis, memperhatikan penawaran bonus, dan membuat strategi untuk setiap jenis permainan. Dalam artikel ini ditekankan bahwa bermain kasino online hanya perlu dinikmati dan tidak diambil terlalu serius. Pemain yang mengikuti panduan ini akan memiliki kesempatan yang lebih besar untuk menang dan menikmati pengalaman bermain kasino online yang lebih baik.

A gameplan lovingly tailored for MOMS

Here's why you may be struggling with your schedule:

Moms have an uphill battle to get things done. 

Kids underfoot. Constant interruptions. Random messes that come right back 5min. later.

Never mind the meal prep, schooling, and even (gasp) your own personal wishlist.

When you finally do stumble across some free time to catch up on work...or even make a healthy're often too exhausted to move!

And there are 2 big misconceptions holding moms back from finding a solution that works.


MYTH 1. "Don't I just need a planner?"

Planners are great to concretely see what needs to get done, but they don’t teach you time management (specifically, how to work around your loveable-always-hungry kids).

TRUTH. This is way more than a planner

I’ve seen loads of people invest way-too-much money in planners that focus on WHAT to do, but that don’t teach you HOW to get it all done without quitting or burnout. 

MYTH 2. "I just can't stick to a plan"

It"s not you, mama. It's the plan itself. And the best part is - we can fix that! You're missing a system that painlessly guides you to be CONSISTENT in your home so that the work is faster and easier. 

TRUTH. You just need to learn a skillset

I want to show you a step-by-step system where you can intentionally and consistently chip away at your goals (even if it's something like keep up with laundry) -no matter what life (and the kids) throw at you. 

And can I get brutally honest for a second?

Until you know these skills, and how to manage your time better in the beautiful whirlwind of family life, you will NEVER find that peaceful, productive day. EVER.

If you're tired of stressing over how to find better balance between family and housework, the solution is much easier than you think.

What you need is a mom-centered process to organize your day....

a recipe for jumpstarting those tasks you (justifiably) put off due to interruptions and exhaustion 

...but bother you when they don't get done.

Are you ready for a refreshing change?

May I officially introduce Scheduling Magic?

A 7-day course for overloaded, faith-filled moms who need help organizing their busy day.

S.M. teaches you an easy, time-saving process that takes the stress of "I can't keep up" 

and transforms it into a concrete roadmap showing you how to get it all done in 7 can-do you can find more meaningful time for yourself and your family.

Interested in learning how you can wake up energized and go to bed content, no matter what life (and the kids) throw at you?


  • The time management skills you need to calm the List-Overwhelm for good

  • The exact formula I use to prioritize when you have too much to do

  • The smartest ways to minimize distractions and interruptions (hello, hungry kids!)

  • The single most important secret that motivates you to do those ordinary mom jobs contentedly.

  • How to arrange your day for maximum effectiveness

BONUS #1. two digital organizers: family cleaning masterlist + digital home binder

  • The Family Cleaning board lists every.chore.ever, dividing them all into bite-sized daily cleaning tasks

  • The Digital Home Binder is your solution to paper clutter! Priceless, gorgeous, and efficient, this board keeps all your "where did I put that?" information in ONE place. 

  • 100% editable! Just drag & drop, or edit everything to be perfect for you & the family. You're able to upload pictures, add links to other websites, and integrate your email and Google Drive.

  • Helpful labels & stickers to see which task can be done by which family member. For those forgetful moms (just me?), you can add family members, due dates/times and get reminders

BONUS #2. the mom burnout first-aid kit

  • Serve your family without the Friday night crash by using this First-Aid routine that will help you recover from survival mode

  • 5 days quick, easy, healthy recipes (simple enough that the kids can help out!) so you can get in and out of the kitchen fast (+15 more bonus recipes)

  • Bare minimum cleaning routine to get the high-priority areas tidied and out of the way

  • Printables for independent play to keep the kids happily busy, as well as nurturing effortless quality time with your family so you don’t have to deal with sibling fights and behaviour

  • Get motivated with the flexible physical activity, hair and outfit guide to simplify your well-being

Reclaim time for yourself & the kids

Purchase Scheduling Magic today for just $27!

Maria, creator of Stand Up, Reach Out

sounds awesome, but why should you LISTEN TO ME?

I’m a mom like you who’s had the toddlers underfoot, the mom guilt from not balancing playtime and work, and the brain fog from being swamped by too much on my plate.

But, I’ve also had the desire to have more purpose to my day. I wanted more energy, more joy, more meaning in those “ordinary” mom days. 

So I sat down (with a rather large coffee mug) and took what I learned from my degree in Psychology about Executive Functioning and time management skills and made a step-by-step roadmap to organize my overloaded day.

Now I wake up knowing exactly what I have to do, what shortcuts I can take to get it done faster, and how to effectively use the hours God’s given me to be the best wife, mom, and person I can be - 

even when life throws a wrench in my plans, I can carry on peacefully, because there’s a bigger purpose following my roadmap than just “crossing off the list”.

And I am sincerely bouncing on my toes (not from too much coffee, promise!) to share that process and peace with you.

I have been a student of the various GTD strategies for a looooong time, but your SM course looks like it's the only one I've ever seen that comes from a godly perspective, and addresses the "why" of organizing everything, not just the "how." This is a factor I need to think through in all my crazy planning and strategizing to get. everything. done. Thank you. :-)

~ Dawn

Now it's your turn...

The key promise of this Masterclass is to give you the skills to manage your time you never have to feel that overwhelm that hits when you see one more thing you "should do".


Dishes in the sink? Done.

Time to sit and read that book? You bet.

Have that tea party your daughter's been begging for? Start the kettle!

Wouldn't it be energizing if you freed up more time for what was really important to you? 


Who is this course for? 

This class is for "disorganized" moms who want to get a handle on all their to-dos, whether you're a working mom or SAHM. Instead of a standardized planner, I'm going to teach you a process that works around YOUR day, no matter what it looks like. 

This class is perfect for faith-filled women wanting to be best mom God made them to be.

There are a lot of organization classes out there. How is yours different? 

  • This course is Faith-based. You want a life that serves God and your family without costing you your soul. Your schedule needs to reflect how your relationship with God is a priority and how that overflows in your life.
  • The teacher has a degree in Psychology. I'm able to use my knowledge in executive function skills (planning, organization, task-initiation, etc) to help you understand why you can't get started or finish a task, and how to motivate yourself to do it quickly and efficiently.
  • It's a classic SURO blend of aha-moments with (baby) action steps. I've broken the steps down as much as possible so you can see BIG changes with a teensy bit of effort. Videos, worksheets, tools - everything you need is there and ready for you.
  • It's family-focused. I know first-hand what it's like to deal with distractions and putting out daily fires. I'll teach you how to work around exhaustion and interruptions, while embracing family life.

So how CAN I get anything done with my kids' interruptions?

Don't worry. I’ll share my secrets to organizing my day as a busy mom. Tricks of the trade to keep the kids busy for a significant chunk of time so you can focus on getting your work done so you can have more family time!

It’s hard to be motivated and stick to what I have on my list when I’m so tired. Can I actually do this?

I get it. I suffer from Chronic Fatigue and completely know what it’d like to stare at the oven knowing somehow you have to get supper ready when it’s hard to move. BUT I also cover how to plan ahead for those tired days and build an arsenal of shortcuts to make your day easier. You'll also discover how to find inspiration and energy to get the un-fun jobs done (like folding laundry, bleh).

What if I still have more questions? 

I'd love to help out. Send me your questions ( and we'll figure it out.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee

You can put your mind at ease knowing that Scheduling Magic is covered by my full 30-day guarantee. Here's the deal. I don't want unhappy customers.

I pride myself on providing a high quality system that works if you do the work. That means if you follow the steps I teach you, then I know you're going to love the results. 

If within 30 days you've implemented the strategies and you're unhappy for whatever reason, just email me your work and you'll get a refund.

Ready to discover how Scheduling Magic will transform life? 

After completing it, you'll be able to:

Effectively plan your day 

so the important things get done...and you go to bed happy and fulfilled

Develop a clear purpose 

so you'll know what to do when there's too much on your plate, when to find shortcuts and delegate, as well as when to say no

Overcome the distractions of momlife

so you can start and finish those tasks you've been putting off, reclaiming your weekend and family time

FIND contentment from a day well-lived. 

Calm the overwhelm,

Organize and prioritize your day,

Master mom-inspired productivity hacks, while remembering the reason you got up this morning - loving your family! 

© 2022, Stand Up, Reach Out
